Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Are you sure you want to do this?

I seem to be getting that a lot lately in reference to law school... Generally by very well-meaning people, such as my boss, and my boyfriend, who I shall refer to hereinafter as B, the former being a practicing lawyer, and the later being a bar-bound 3L. My response is generally yes, but I reserve the right to change my mind before first deposits are due - second deposits even.

Honestly, I appreciate them asking. A lot of thought has gone into the decision to apply, and if I go through with this, I want to know I did it with my eyes wide open. I feel like I probably have a better grasp of what it's like to be a law student and eventually a lawyer than a lot of people applying. I've watched my two best friends from undergrad go through their first year, and had a front row seat as B has gone through his second and third. Our relationship was pretty new when 2L Spring exams rolled around - we almost didn't make it! Also, I get the mid-career practicing attorney perspective daily from my boss. Although admittedly, he does have a pretty sweet gig. All of which, could one day be mine... or at least, sort of mine, if I come back after school as an Assistant General Counsel. A lot to think about.


Idaho Gal said...

I have been asked similar questions with regard to my law school decision. I too have put a lot of time and thought into such a serious commitment and am at the same point as you. Come June I may change my mind and take a different route, but I'm not taking law school lightly.

Shells said...

Yeah, once you've been working for a while, it's hard to throw yourself into law school with naive abandon like a lot of my friends did straight out of undergrad. I'll be interested to hear what you decide in the end!