Friday, March 21, 2008

Open letter to my first choice law school...

Dear InTownStateSchool...

Please, for the love of God, send me a letter of acceptance. Do you realize that it's March 24th, and in less than a month, seat deposits are due for BsHometownStateSchool? I may go there if I have to, but I don't want to! And I realize that U.S. News ranks OutOfTownStateSchool higher than you, but I don't care. I want nothing more than to pay you thousands of dollars to experience endless hours of torment in the mid-1970's architecture of your halls. I know I spurned you for undergrad, but please don't hold that against me. I was just 18, and hungry for adventure. I may have had my fun with LargeCaliforniaPrivateSchool, but now I want to settle down with you.

Do you know how much flack I've taken for openly saying you're my number one law school choice? My two best friends from undergrad, one who's at a top 5 and the other who's at a top 25 school practically staged an intervention last time they were in town. But I stayed strong. I emphatically stated my practical and financial reasons for choosing you. And I stand by those.

So please, not to get all Meredith Grey on you, but choose me. Pick me. I promise to work hard, and have a positive impact on your bar passage and employment statistics, so you'll continue to have more people like me pounding down your doors for years to come.




K said...

Have you heard anything yet?

Shells said...

No, I still haven't! And my first seat deposit is due tomorrow! I'll post more on this later today...