Wednesday, August 13, 2008

deep breath...I am lucky to be going to law school (repeat)

I haven't posted in quite a while because I've been on a lovely week and a half vacation before school starts. Problem is, the first week was incredibly fun, but not relaxing. And the second part of the vacation, which was actually supposed to be relaxing, wasn't. The whole time all I could think about was the gargantuan pre-law school to-do list that I have open on a Word doc on my desk now.

Some of it's personal - hair appointments, un-sent rebates, doctors. The rest is school-related - forms for cost of attendance adjustment, parking, InTownStateSchool ID Card, football season tickets in the graduate student section, and on, and on, and on.

I am so overwhelmed. I'm not used to such an upheaval in my carefully planned routine. But instead of adding "Make Dr. appt, get Lexapro scrip" to my already excessively lengthly to-do list, I am trying to breathe deeply and remind myself how hard I worked to get here, how badly I wanted this. How lucky I am to be here, despite all the crap. A few weeks ago, my mom brought over an article from our city's paper about how hard it's gotten to get into InTownStateSchool's law school. And how good job prospects have gotten for grads. Basically she was like, see, you and B are rock stars! Very lucky rock stars. Leave it to my mom to put things in perspective!

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