Sunday, May 18, 2008


Sorry about the multiple exclamation marks... but I feel like my long-awaited admission to InTownStateSchool allows me that indulgence. Finally, finally! My growing depression over not having received that admission letter, combined with B's law school graduation extravaganza have kind of put a damper on my blogging - sorry about that.

Going into B's ITSS graduation, I still didn't know I was accepted. The admissions department had ironically guaranteed they'd have all decisions by May 9, the day of the graduation, so I figured I might have been able to call and find out that day, but I decided against it. If I hadn't gotten in... well the negative consequences for the weekend go without saying. And if I had, I didn't want to steal any of my graduating friends' well-deserved thunder.

As we walked into the law school for a post-graduation reception, we walked in right past the admissions office. I muttered a highly inappropriate, profanity-laced comment under my breath, and B smiled indulgently and said, "Let's hope they aren't taking the day off."

It turns out they weren't. At 4:32 p.m. on Monday, I got an e-mail from the director of financial aid, congratulating me on my admission, and going into a bunch of FAFSA stuff. Wait what?! My admission? To ITSS? I kind of floated around the office in a fog for another half hour and then left the office to celebrate, nearly getting in four accidents while I left voicemails for B, my mother, my sister, and my other sister.

The next morning I called to confirm, and yes, I was officially accepted to ITSS College of Law, and my letter had been mailed on May 6. I hunted everywhere for the mystery letter, and was just on the brink of abashedly requesting they resend it when a Gchat popped up from roomie that started out, "You're gonna kill me but..." It turns out she had checked the mail on Friday and left it in her car, and had just the last night discovered my letter. I assured her that my thoughts were anything but murderous; I was just glad the missing letter had been found alive.

So, letter in hand, I am please to announced that I have (finally) been admitted to InTownStateSchool College of Law's 2011 class!


K said...

Congrats!!!!! I bet you are so relieved!

Shells said...

Thank you! You're totally right - relieved is the word!